Legends and Myths of Kerala

By Sayda Abusalih


The Twilight Spirit of Palakkad

In the humid twilight hours of Palakkad, Kerala, Odal emerges during twilight, when the sun sets on the horizon. According to local lore, this shapeshifting spirit chooses dusk as its hunting hour, believed to be when the boundaries between our world and the spirit realm are at their weakest.
This story was shared by Aarav and Kavya, siblings from Palakud in Kannur.
This story was shared by Aarav and Kavya, siblings from Palakud in Kannur.

The Moon's Miracle: Cheraman Perumal

Part 1: Irsha
In the 7th century, along the Malabar Coast, King Cheraman Perumal ruled from his palace in Kodungallur. Known for his wisdom and philosophical nature, the king often spent nights studying the stars from his royal terrace. One night, he witnessed the moon appearing to split in two before reuniting in the sky.
Part 1 of this story comes from Irsha in Kozhikode.<br />
Part 2 of this story was contributed by the residents of Jiffri House in Kozhikode.
Part 1 of this story comes from Irsha in Kozhikode.
Part 2 of this story was contributed by the residents of Jiffri House in Kozhikode.

King Mahabali's Return

In ancient Kerala, King Mahabali ruled as a wise and generous leader. Though he was an asura (demon king), his subjects deeply loved him for establishing a reign of justice and fairness. Under his rule, the kingdom knew no poverty or crime, and people lived together in perfect harmony.
This story was recounted by Saleem in Sargaalaya
This story was recounted by Saleem in Sargaalaya

The Birth of Kerala

Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu who wielded the mighty axe (parashu), entered into a dispute with his parents. Overcome with remorse, he sought penance for his actions.
This tale was shared by Jisha Kalyani in Kozhikode.
This tale was shared by Jisha Kalyani in Kozhikode.